Sunday, 7 February 2010

Project 12 - January

{click to enlarge}

I've had to take the picture using John's easel as the weather has been awful and this is the only way to get it near a window! Still not a good photo though, sadly.

Left Side
Cupcake display in Bath.
My Mother drinking coffee in "Cafe Rene".
Hannah's unexpectedly huge dessert.

Right Side
My folks in the cafe in Malmesbury.
John's family gathering.
The toilet rolls my father insisted buying in bulk...
Hannah in Frenchay.

I took most of these with my iPhone and they haven't come out too badly. At some point I'll scrap that cupcake picture all by itself because it was so gorgeous.

The papers (Cosmo Cricket) were also new-to-me in January!

1 comment:

Davinie Fiero said...

This is great! Cosmo's snorkel line for a January layout and it works perfectly!
Thank you so much for playing along with the challenge (and your phone actually took a great photo!).